Saturday, September 11, 2010

Distant Dreams Parts 1 & 2

A blogger may disappear but a blog never dies. It still exists; it still swirls within the glorious abstract ether we know as the interwebs.

And so I return!

I return with new music to wrap your eager ears around.

Having purchased for myself a brand new second hand Stereo Double Cassette Deck last weekend I set about putting together a series of mix tapes which will be forever forthcoming, downloadable, and so limited as to be almost exclusive.

The first in the series is the Distant Dreams Cassette.

Compiled over two separate weekend sessions the tape moves from thick swaddled electro post-punk through to laid back laid out sleep-inducing tape-space. From the early morning TV test card soundtracks by This Heat and Young Marble Giants to the warped, almost shapeless night shades of shattered German consciousness courtesy of Harmonia, Bowie and D.A.F.

Its a strange journey and one you'll be lucky to wake up from.

Find Part 1/Side A, here:

. . . and Part 2/Side B, here:

Program is as follows:

Part 1/Side A:

The Cure - A Reflection
Kate Bush - Under Ice
Faust - So Far
Mars - Hairwaves
The Camberwell Now - Splash
Cabaret Voltaire - Theme From Earthshaker
Low Rise Estate - Untitled
Scritti Politti - Skank Bloc Bologna
Pere Ubu - Drinking Wine Spodyody
D.A.F. - Osten Wärht am Längsten
E.M.A.K. - Filmmuzik

Part 2/Side B:

Young Marble Giants - N.I.T.A.
David Bowie - A New Career in a New Town
Harmonia - Hausmusik
Suicide - Keep Your Dreams
Throbbing Gristle - Distant Dreams (part 2)
The Goat That Went "Om" - The Pirate Song
Liars - They Don't Want Your Corn, They Want Your Kids
The Del-Byzantees - My Hands Are Yellow (From The Job That I Do)
This Heat - Twilight Furniture
Dark Day - Nudes in the Forest
Severed Heads - Lamborghini
Public Image Ltd. - Radio 4

If the tracks sound more than a little warped, a little wrong and overblown, slightly dull and inconsistent it may be because you yourself, dear listener, possess one or all of these qualities. Open your ears. The original cassette tape upon which these songs were recorded was found in a box on the side of the road, still wet from a passing storm. Expect the next posts to be of even greater or lesser quality.